
Come explore living between the spiritual realm and the physical body through the practice of Shamanism and Somatics. I have been practicing shamanism and massage therapy for 24 years, supporting my clients to have spiritual resources and greater connection with their bodies for their healing and wellbeing. I am offering eight sessions via Zoom to explore how to navigate between these two methodologies and approaches.
Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice used to find connection, purpose and personal power. Healing and guidance is received through direct revelation from your spiritual guides, ancestors and allies. It’s an experience of interconnectedness with everything that is around us. Shamanism is not a religion, nor does it involve being or having a Guru. Somatics is a practice that uses the mind-body connection within bodywork and movement studies. It aims to help the person explore the internal self and listen to signals the body sends around pain, discomfort, or imbalance.
The setting for the zoom sessions will be safe and with a clear structure. No substance or plants to alter the mind will be used. While listening to the drumming from the Core Shamanic Journeying Sonic Drive recording on the SoundCloud App, you will experience navigating between the three worlds-Lower, Middle, Upper, where you can find the spiritual guides, ancestors and allies.
Preparation beforehand will allow you to be fully present for the time of the meeting.

This involves:

1. Choose a clear Intention 2. Organizing the time and having the material ready: Drum, rattles, sage, or palo santo, a candle in a safe container and always attended 3. A journal, pen, pencil, or color pencils, a bandana or scarf, a yoga mat or a blanket for laying down 4. A cellphone with a battery fully charged and the Journey of The WhiteDeer ready to be played in the SoundCloud App or computer (the link will be share upon registration). 5. Set the space to not have interruptions.

All the materials and sharing are designed only for the group. Everything is confidential.

Classes are only for educational purposes. They’re not designed to be a substitute for any mental or physical care therapy treatment.

For more information email me to 

Or send a text message to WhatsApp or iPhone: (510) 334 0613

Looking forward to hearing from you!